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Peer Wellness Ambassadors

Peer Wellness Ambassadors (PWAs) are a committed group of students who understand the importance of health and wellness and the value of connecting students to resources on campus to be successful while at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Through intentional collaboration and support from University resources and the Office of Student Housing and Residence Life, the Peer Wellness Ambassador helps to foster a healthy environment within first-year residence halls by connecting their peers with mental and physical health and wellness resources that allow each member of our community to thrive and sustain the challenges, rigors, and stress of pursuing an academic degree while living in the residence halls.

Image of Peer Wellness Ambassadors
Peer Wellness Ambassadors

Peer Wellness Ambassadors (PWAs) are a committed group of students who understand the importance of health and wellness and the value of connecting students to resources on campus to be successful while at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Through intentional collaboration and support from University resources and the Office of Student Housing and Residence Life, the Peer Wellness Ambassador helps to foster a healthy environment within first-year residence halls by connecting their peers with mental and physical health and wellness resources that allow each member of our community to thrive and sustain the challenges, rigors, and stress of pursuing an academic degree while living in the residence halls.

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