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Anthropology Student Association

The Anthropology Student Association provides a forum for students (undergraduate and graduate) and community members to meet and discuss anthropology and organize anthropology related activities. The club defines anthropology as the study of humans at every level of their existence (material to metaphysical, from the beginning to many possible futures) by any and preferably all means, including but not limited to the subfields of anthropology — biological, cultural, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology and peace studies.

Image of Anthropology Student Association
Anthropology Student Association

The Anthropology Student Association provides a forum for students (undergraduate and graduate) and community members to meet and discuss anthropology and organize anthropology related activities.

The club defines anthropology as the study of humans at every level of their existence (material to metaphysical, from the beginning to many possible futures) by any and preferably all means, including but not limited to the subfields of anthropology — biological, cultural, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology and peace studies.

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