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1824 6th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233

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Academic Medical Centers (AMCs) are complex with multiple competing priorities. Navigating them, particularly as junior faculty, can be exceedingly challenging. Dr. Joseph Simone, a leading Hematologist/Oncologist and AMC leader, published "Simone's Maxims" in 1999, in which he outlined overarching themes in the function of AMCs (with a touch of cynicism and humor). We will convene with a group of DOM leaders to discuss if Simone's Maxims still hold true, and how understanding them can help us build a more satisfying career.

Our panel will include:

  • Dr. Andrea Cherrington, Director of the Division of General Internal Medicine & Population Science
  • Dr. Nicole Lohr, Director of the Division of Cardiovascular Disease
  • Dr. Tracy Luckhardt, Direct of the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine

Please join us for an engaging discussion, keeping in mind the words of Dr. Simone: "Despite the problems, [a career in academic medicine] can be the most fulfilling and rewarding of professions, if taken with a sharp eye for reality, a dash of iconoclasm, and a ready sense of humor."

You can access the full text here, but review prior to the meeting is not required.

As a public institution of higher education, UAB adheres to principles of Free Speech, Civil Discourse and Institutional Neutrality. Freedom of Expression and Use of UAB Facilities Policy allows members of the UAB community to hold events on campus; views expressed do not represent the university, which adheres to institutional neutrality. Events held at UAB are required to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, and participation is not limited based on impermissible criteria (e.g., age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation).

  • Carolyn Walsh
  • Mamatha Gandhi
  • Miriam

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