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Tight-Knit is a knitting group open to all patients of UAB Medicine Oncology. Join us to learn a new craft and build a new support community. 

The group will be led by UAB Heersink School of Medicine student Sarika Mullapudi and volunteers from Blazing Hooks and Needles. No knitting experience is required, as Tight-Knit is open to all skill levels.

Supplies and instruction will be provided. However, if you already have yarn, needles, or projects that you are working on, feel free to bring them. Participants will be able to knit items such as scarves, blankets, and hats, which they may keep or donate to hospital patients.

If you have questions about Tight-Knit, please contact Sarika at 281-954-1158 or skmullap@uab.edu or Dorothea Staursky at dstaursky@uabmc.edu

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