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Popularized by ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (AI) is a major breakthrough technology since the invention of personal computers. Join us as we discover more about this technology during Precision Medicine, ChatGPT, and AI: History and Trends

Since the early 1950's, AI has gone through three waves of ups and downs of development. Dr. Jake Chen, Chief Bioinformatics Officer at the UAB Informatics Institute, will explore this fascinating world.

Current AI takes a connectionist approach to generate billions and trillions of parameters to gain "human-like" intelligence on hidden patterns inherent in intelligent tasks such as reasoning, classification, speech, and even task planning. What's this all mean for us? Find out more about AI's history and where we're heading as part of this webinar.

This webinar is part of our ongoing Backpacks to Briefcases program. Attendance in this event can earn attendees credit toward an Ever Green Certificate. Find out more about both programs or check out other upcoming Backpacks to Briefcases events.

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