Informatics Institute PowerTalk Seminar Series: Clinical Informatics with Christopher D. Willey, MD, PhD
Friday, January 21, 2022 12am to 12am
About this Event
Presenter: Christopher D. Willey, MD, PhD
Director UAB Kinome Core
Professor of Radiation Oncology
UAB School of Medicine
Topic: “Multi-omic Translational Approaches to Investigate Therapeutic Resistance in Glioblastoma”
Abstract: Glioblastoma (GBM) is a devastating disease with median survival after diagnosis of only 15 months despite maximal safe resection, fractionated radiation therapy and alkylating chemotherapy with temozolomide. Despite large investments in molecularly profiling these tumors through efforts such as the TCGA, there has bene limited clinical impact. While GBM demonstrates both inherent and acquired resistance to therapy, most molecular approaches have focused only on treatment naïve specimens. Therefore, recent studies have focused on longitudinal assessment of GBM. This presentation will summarize some key recent studies as well as preclinical work at UAB related to therapeutic resistance in GBM.
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