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Topics scheduled include: UA System Updates, by UA System Chancellor Finis St. John IV; UAB Libraries Office of Scholarly Communication, by Jeff Graveline, Associate Dean of Libraries;  A Proposal of a Forensic Software, by Curt Carver, UAB VP and Chief Information Officer; and Mental Health Resources and new BWell App – Angela Stowe, Director UAB Student Counseling Services. 

The Chair of the Faculty will give a monthly report. Senate Committee Chairs will report on committee activities. Senate representatives will report on the activities of university-wide committees. An open forum time for faculty concerns and suggestions is also on the agenda. A full agenda is available on the Faculty Senate document website.

Attendance is open to all UAB faculty, students and staff. 

As a public institution of higher education, UAB adheres to principles of Free Speech, Civil Discourse and Institutional Neutrality. Freedom of Expression and Use of UAB Facilities Policy allows members of the UAB community to hold events on campus; views expressed do not represent the university, which adheres to institutional neutrality. Events held at UAB are required to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, and participation is not limited based on impermissible criteria (e.g., age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation).

Faculty will receive an email with Zoom link, from your school’s Faculty Senate Liaison. Others interested in attending can contact Aileen McElwain aileenmc@uab.edu in the Faculty Senate Office, a few days in advance of the meeting, for the Zoom link & info.