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Center for Teaching and Learning: New Teachers Retreat

Friday, September 30, 2022 10am to 2:30pm

1700 University Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35233

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Are you a new UAB faculty member, new to teaching, or just want to get back to the basics with your teaching skills, we would love to have you be a part of the first annual CTL New Teachers Retreat for UAB faculty. The event will be Friday, September 30th from 10 AM to 2:30 PM in the beautiful CTL Atrium.

Topics will include developing your teaching philosophy and portfolio, creating a syllabus that’s clear for all students, active and engaged learning techniques, effective testing and assessment tips, using technology in your teaching, and more! Space is limited.

If you have teaching responsibilities during the retreat times, don’t worry, you’re welcome to join us for part of the retreat before or after you teach, just let us know your availability on the registration form.

Presenters include:

  • Melissa Hawkins - International Teaching and Learning Specialist, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

  • Brian C. Moon - Associate Director, CTL

  • Scott L. Phillips - Executive Director, CTL and Quality Improvement; Faculty, Department of Music

  • Tino Unlap - Faculty, School of Health Professions; Teaching Foundations Workshop Director, CTL

*Lunch will be served at this event. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or if your schedule changes and you are unable to attend. 

A personal invitation and registration is required to attend. Space is limited. If you have not been invited by someone from your department, contact uabctl@uab.edu to see if there is space available.

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