Coverdell Fellows Panel Discussion: Alabama Peace Corps Prep
Thursday, November 4, 2021 4pm
About this Event
The third event in the Peace Corps Prep Fall Virtual Series is all about the Coverdell Fellows program.
What is the Coverdell Fellows program? It's scholarship opportunities specifically for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) pursuing a graduate education.
The benefits of Peace Corps don't end with service...they can carry you through an advanced degree! Hear directly from RPCVs who have connected their Peace Corps service to their advanced degree and what that meant for them.
Multiple programs at UAB have partnered with Peace Corps for decades to offer Coverdell Fellows scholarships, including: College of Arts & Sciences, Dept of Political Science & Public Administration; School of Education; School of Public Health with the Sparkman Center for Global Health; and the School of Nursing.
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