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UAB's College of Arts and Sciences, in collaboration with the UAB Office of National and International Fellowships and Scholarships, will offer training for applying to the National Science Foundation (NSF) – Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

The NSF-GRFP program offers a nationally competitive graduate stipend of $37,000/year with an additional educational allowance of $16,000/year with a total award of $159,000. Senior undergraduates and graduate students in their early careers can apply to this program. The application window is October 16-20, 2023 depending on the academic discipline.

This workshop will offer programmatic details, perspectives of UAB graduate students who have won NSF-GRFP awards, best practices from UAB faculty who are familiar with NSF-GRFP review panels, and information on resources available for pre-submission review of application materials.

For additional information, please contact Dr. Yogesh Vohra (ykvohra@uab.edu) or Dr. Michelle Cook (mcook8@uab.edu).

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