About this Event
Monica K. Dukes, Data Dissemination Specialist with the U.S. Census Bureau, will share about updates on improved UI & UX in the Census Business Builder tool.
The Census Business Builder version 5.0 combines the Regional Analyst Edition and the Small Business Edition into a single, convenient tool. The newly combined platform has a fresh look and feel with optimized dashboard queries, links that take users directly to North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) information, and simplified industry selection lists. This webinar will explore the use of the CBB tool and the latest updates. See the list of updates below.
- The “Reference Layers” map action now indicates the number of currently applied reference layers when collapsed.
- Region and dashboard panels are collapsed by default.
- Legend configuration settings are now visible on the main legend.
- Industries are now listed under “cluster name.”
- Single-click selection for regions.
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