About this Event
1301 10th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205
https://www.uab.edu/medicine/rheumatology/news-events/cambac-research-dayThe 6th Annual Research Day of the Comprehensive Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, Bone, and Autoimmunity Center (CAMBAC). The keynote speaker will be Ignacio Sanz, MD the Mason I. Lowance Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics and Chief, Division of Rheumatology at Emory University School of Medicine. Other featured speakers include Sam Lim, MD, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, Emory University School of Medicine as well as select UAB faculty and trainees.
A poster session held during the symposium will highlight the research of undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral trainees including clinical fellows and residents. Trainees are invited to submit abstracts on any topic that relates to one of the CAMBAC themes. There will be cash awards for principal authors of the top 6 abstracts (as determined by faculty judges).
For more information or to submit an abstract contact sledbetter@uabmc.edu.
Event Details
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