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1717 11th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233

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This course is designed for managers who are new to the responsibility of leading others. Participants will discover the difference between leading and managing behaviors and what UAB expects of them in their role as a manager. Upon completion of a simple leadership style assessment participants will discover their natural leadership tendencies and identify opportunities to help align with a team leader style of leadership.  

UAB Learning & Development workshops are a no-cost benefit to UAB employees.

As a public institution of higher education, UAB adheres to principles of Free Speech, Civil Discourse and Institutional Neutrality. Freedom of Expression and Use of UAB Facilities Policy allows members of the UAB community to hold events on campus; views expressed do not represent the university, which adheres to institutional neutrality. Events held at UAB are required to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, and participation is not limited based on impermissible criteria (e.g., age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation).