ACTion Learning: Building Authentic Connections with Community Partners
Tuesday, October 31, 2023 2pm to 3pm
About this Event
808 20th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35205
Does your research propose partnering with community members and you want to start off on the right foot? Do you want to improve relationships with your community members? Our next ACTion Learning event will explore some of the missteps that arise in initial encounters that could impact meaningful community transformation.
ACTion Learning uses local actors to illustrate real-life scenarios, where you serve as the “director”, molding the scene as it goes. No role-play is involved, so you can feel free to experience the reactions and consequences in a stress-free learning environment. Theories and models become practical because they become personal.
"Brilliant and refreshing learning opportunity." ~ Attendee, inaugural ACTion Learning Event
- Recognize common challenges that arise in the initial engagement of a community member in a research project.
- Understand your role in the relationship and how you can facilitate more sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships.
- Learn adaptability in collaborative relationships.
- This event is geared toward any researcher who is currently conducting or has interest in conducting conduct community engaged research. This is a great companion for those attending any of the Community Engagement Institute’s events.
*This event is embedded in the upcoming CCTS CEI Symposium on October 31 and will be the last event of the day. If you register for the CEI Symposium, you have automatically registered for the ACTion Learning Event and do not need a separate registration.