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Student Multicultural & Diversity Programs

Student Multicultural and Diversity Programs serves the UAB Community, especially our students, by developing programs and resources that promote multicultural and social justice awareness, education and appreciation. Additionally, we support the growth of students' attitudes, ideas, and behaviors as they relate to multicultural issues and personal and social identities. Multicultural and Diversity Programs focuses on the six areas of Cultural Engagement, Student Leadership, Dialogue and Critical Thought, Mentorship Programs, LGBTQ Programs, and Diversity Training, each creates opportunities for student involvement and education, advocacy, and awareness.

UAB Student Multicultural & Diversity Programs

Student Multicultural and Diversity Programs serves the UAB Community, especially our students, by developing programs and resources that promote multicultural and social justice awareness, education and appreciation. Additionally, we support the growth of students' attitudes, ideas, and behaviors as they relate to multicultural issues and personal and social identities. Multicultural and Diversity Programs focuses on the six areas of Cultural Engagement, Student Leadership, Dialogue and Critical Thought, Mentorship Programs, LGBTQ Programs, and Diversity Training, each creates opportunities for student involvement and education, advocacy, and awareness.

  • briana bryant

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